Wednesday, June 16

Tomorrow means the end of semester, and the start of packing. I could not be more excited if I tried!


  1. Sorry to restort to this, feel free to delete this, but we need to chat and this is the only way i could contact you as i now have a US number! (kinda cool, hey?)
    Email me (get the address from maddy), this city is insane, I think you need to visit my college when you fly in.

    Meet me in New York?

    Hell yes!

  2. oh shit,
    it's georgia.
    who else could it be really to be honest!
    see you soon, lots of love g xx

  3. thuoifjkfnfvd; bherjgefsvb ndfimvclx

    Greatest. I'll get the email address from her and email you a-sap!

    I will see you in New York in 3 days time!

